1616 Capitol Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95814
Amanda specializes in evaluation of California's SNAP-Ed Program (CalFresh Healthy Living). Her focus area is evaluation of comprehensive, school-based nutrition and physical activity interventions.
- SPOT Award
Presented by University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2022
- SPOT Award
Presented by University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2020
- SPOT Award
Presented by University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2018
- Champion Award
Presented by California Department of Public Health, 2017
Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Human Nutrition
- Nutrition Education and Behavior
- Obesity Prevention
- Nutrition Education
- Healthy Families and Communities
Peer Reviewed
Kao, Janice; Rider, Carolyn; Hewawitharana, Sridharshi; Keihner, Angie; Linares, Amanda; Westfall, Miranda; Woodward-Lopez, Gail. (2023). Assessments of practices to support nutrition and physical activity at California SNAP-Ed eligible schools reveal inequities. Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Annual Meeting, Washington DC.
Plank, Kaela; Linares, Amanda; Hewawitharana, Sridharshi; Woodward-Lopez, Gail. (2023). Schools provided healthy meals even during COVID. California Agriculture.
Linares, Amanda; Plank, Kaela; Hewawitharana, Sridharshi; Woodward-Lopez, Gail. (2023). The impact of SNAP-Ed interventions on California students’ diet and physical activity during COVID-19. Public Health Nutrition. 1–28. doi:10.1017/s1368980023000137
Linares, Amanda; Plank, Kaela; Sridharshi Hewawitharana; Woodward-Lopez, Gail. (2022) Association of Frequency of School Meal Consumption and Student Dietary Intake during COVID-related School Closures. Current Developments in Nutrition. 6(Suppl 1):212. doi:10.1093/cdn/nzac048.026.
Linares, Amanda; Harpainter, Phoebe; Plank, Kaela; Woodward-Lopez, Gail. (2022). Lessons Learned Recruiting Comparison Elementary Schools for Impact Evaluation of SNAP-Ed Interventions. Journal of Extension. 60(2), Article 17. doi:10.34068/joe.60.02.17
Kao, Janice; Rider, Carolyn; Becker, Christina; Talmage, Evan; Plank, Kaela; Linares, Amanda; Woodward-Lopez, Gail. (2022) Where do we go from here? California local health departments navigate school-based SNAP-Ed during COVID-19. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 54(7):s85. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2022.04.182
Rider, Carolyn D; Kao, Janice; Hewawitharana, Sridharshi; Becker, Christine M; Linares, Amanda; Woodward-Lopez, Gail. (2021). Validity and Reliability of a Site-Level Assessment Questionnaire to Assess Nutrition and Physical Activity Practices in Schools. Childhood Obesity. doi: 10.1089/chi.2021.0148.
Rider, Carolyn; Linares, Amanda; Kao, Janice; Becker, Christina; Woodward-Lopez, Gail. (2020). Assessing Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Practices in Places Children Learn. Journal of Extension. 58(6): v58-6tt5.
Rider, Carolyn; Linares, Amanda; Becker, Christina; Kao, Janice; Woodward-Lopez, Gail. (2019). From vision to validation: Creating comprehensive tools to self-assess eating and activity practices in settings where children learn. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Pugliese, John; Rider, Carolyn; Linares, Amanda. (2018). What Works: Identifying Effective Nutrition Education Curricula Delivered to Low-Income California Adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 50(7): s74.
Rider, Carolyn; Linares, Amanda, Whetstone, Lauren. (2017). A Quick and Easy School Environment Assessment for Obesity Prevention Programs. Childhood Obesity Conference, San Diego, CA.
Leung, Cindy; Ryan-Ibarra, Suzanne; Linares, Amanda; Induni, Marta; Sugerman, Sharon; Long, Michael; Rimm, Eric; Willett, Walter. (2015). Support for Policies to Improve the Nutritional Impact of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in California. American Journal of Public Health. 105(8): 1576-80.
Linares, Amanda; Biehl, Michael; Rider, Carolyn; Sugerman, Sharon (2014). Policy, System, and Environmental Approaches in the High School Setting Affect Student Eating Outcomes. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 46(4): s157.
Linares, Amanda; Mihos, Keirsten. (2013) Effectiveness of a text message pilot program targeting low-income Latinos’ dietary behaviors. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 45(4): s3-4.
Linares, Amanda; Biehl, Michael. (2013). Efficacy of select components of established nutrition education interventions for low-income youth. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 45(4): s67-68.
Sugerman, Sharon; Foerster, Susan; Gregson, Jennifer; Linares, Amanda; Hudes, Mark. (2011). California adults increase fruit and vegetable consumption from 1997-2007. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 43(4): s96-s103.
Ghirardelli, Alyssa; Linares, Amanda; Fong, Amy. (2011). Usage and recall of the Food Stamp Office Resource Kit (FSORK) by food stamp applicants in four California counties. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 43(4): s86-s95.
Sugerman, Sharon; Backman, Desiree; Foerster, Susan; Ghirardelli, Alyssa; Linares, Amanda; Fong, Amy. (2011). Using an opinion poll to build an obesity-prevention social marketing campaign for low-income Asian and Hispanic immigrants: report of findings. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 43(4): s53-s66.
Burton-Freeman, Britt; Linares, Amanda; Hyson, Dianne; Kappagoda, Tissa. (2010). Strawberry modulates LDL oxidation and postprandial lipidemia in response to high-fat meal in overweight hyperlipidemic men and women. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 29(1): 46-54.