Nutrition Policy Institute submits comments to FDA on public health harms of "transition formula" and "toddler milks"

Dec 9, 2020

Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption during the first five years of life is not recommended as this can lead to long-term health risks. Toddler drinks – marketed as "transition formulas" and "toddler milks" – are a relatively new product category developed by infant formula manufacturers and are being promoted as beneficial for young children 12 months and older. However, these drinks typically contain added sugars and cost more than cow's milk and, for these reasons, are not recommended by health professionals. An issue brief is available that summarizes the concerns surrounding toddler beverages and relevant policy recommendations. In July 2020, Nutrition Policy Institute (NPI) collaborated with Public Health Advocacy Institute along with 15 other organizations and 13 individuals to submit a petition to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting actions to address consumer confusion and public health harms caused by toddler drinks. More recently, NPI submitted on December 9, 2020 comments to FDA in support of the petition's requests. The comment was developed in collaboration with The Rudd Center and the Center for Science in the Public Interest's National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity. Organizations and individuals can submit their own comments on the petition to the FDA online.

By Danielle L. Lee
Author - Director of Communications & Research Engagement