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Lorrene Ritchie, PhD, RD, is the inaugural Director of the Nutrition Policy Institute (NPI) and Cooperative Extension Nutrition Specialist in the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The mission of NPI is to conduct research that informs nutrition policy and programs for healthy children, families, and communities. NPI provides nutrition policy leadership built from ANR's numerous research, and education activities, and works in synergy with research and outreach efforts being conducted throughout the UC system.
Dr. Ritchie has devoted her career to the development of interdisciplinary, science-based and culturally relevant solutions to poor diet and food security. She has conducted studies in numerous settings on the impact of nutrition policies and programs. Current research interests include evaluation of the relationship of school-level programs and policies on student dietary intakes, the impact of policy on nutrition practices in child care settings, and the relationship of federal, state and community-level programs and policies with child nutrition, weight status and health.
Childhood, Food Security, Obesity Prevention, Public healthAreas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Nutrition Education and Behavior
- Nutrition and Hunger in the Population
- Obesity Prevention
- Healthy Families and Communities
Peer Reviewed
Martinez SM, Singh S, Esaryk E, Ritchie L. SNAP student rules are not so snappy: Lessons learned from a qualitative study of county agency workers. J Nutr Ed Behav 2024;56:133-44. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2023.12.004.
Zuercher MD, Cohen JFW, Ohri-Vachaspati P, Hecht CA, Hecht K, Patel AI, Olarte DA, Chapman LE, Reach M, Schwartz MB, Ritchie LD, Gosliner W (joint last authors). Parent perceptions of school meals influence student participation in school meal programs. J Nutr Ed Behav 2024;56:230-41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2024.01.003
Zuercher MD, Orta-Aleman D, Cohen JFW, Hecht CA, Hecht K, Poloacsek M, Patel AI, Ritchie LD, Gosliner W. The Benefits and Challenges of Providing School Meals during the First Year of California’s Universal School Meal Policy as Reported by School Foodservice Professionals. Nutrients 2024;16:1812. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu16121812
Chaney AM, Anderson CE, Arnold CD, Whaley SE, Ritchie LD, Pundi GR, Nguyen CJ, Au LE. Evaluating the association of the increase in the WIC cash value benefit on the diversity of MyPlate fruits and vegetables redeemed and consumed by children in low-income households. Curr Dev Nutr 2024;8:103778. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cdnut.2024.103778
Hecht AA, Gosliner W, Turner L, Hecht K, Hecht CA, Ritchie LD, Polacsek M, Cohen JFW. School Meals for All: A qualitative study exploring lessons in successful advocacy and policymaking in Maine and California. J Acad Nutr Diet 2024;May 6:S2212-2672(24)00206-5. https:/doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2024.04.018.
Chapman LE, Gosliner W, Olarte DA, Ritchie LD, Schwartz MB, Polacsek M, Hecht CE, Hecht K, Turner L, Patel AI, Zuercher MD, Read M, Daly TP, Cohen JFW. Universal School Meals During the Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Analysis of Parent Perceptions From California and Maine. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2024 May 11:S2212-2672(24)00217-X. https://doi.org/0.1016/j.jand.2024.05.005
Tsai MM, Anderson CE, Whaley SE, Yepez CE, Ritchie LD, Au LE. Associations of increased WIC benefits for fruits and vegetables with food security and satisfaction by race and ethnicity. Prev Chron Dis 2024;21:E19. https://doi.org/10.5888/pcd21.230288
Ritchie LD, Bacon KA, Felix C, Lee DL, Marshall SK, Vitale EH, Matias SL. Child and Adult Care Food Program: Family Childcare Home Providers’ Perceptions of Impacts of Increased Meal and Snack Reimbursement Rates During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nutrients 2024;16(19):3241. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu16193241
Zuercher MD, Cohen JFW, Hecht CE, Hecht K, Orta-Aleman D, Olarte DA, Chapman LE, Read M, Ritchie LD, Gosliner W (joint last authors). Household food insecurity is associated with parental perceptions of and student participation in school meals. Nutrients 2024;16:3375. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu16193375
Lang I, Kim Y, Ritchie LD, Au LE, Colabianchi N. Looking to the past: Investigating 10-year place histories as a determinant of home food environments in the Healthy Communities Study. Social Sci Med 2024:363: 117478. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.117478
Chaney AM, Arnold CD, Frongillo EA, Ritchie LD, Steele EM, Au LE. Infant diet quality index predicts nutrients of concern and ultra-processed food intake in low-income children in the United States. Curr Dev Nutr 2024;8:104483. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cdnut.2024.104483
Orta-Aleman D, Zuercher MD, Bacon KA, Chelius C, Hecht CE, Hecht K, Ritchie LD, Cohen JFW, Gosliner W. Students’ Perspectives on the Benefits and Challenges of Universal School Meals Related to Food Accessibility, Stigma, Participation, and Waste. J Nutr Ed Behav 2024;0001-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2024.04.011.
Zuercher MD, Cohen JFW, Ohri-Vachaspati P, Hecht CA, Hecht K, Polacsek M, Olarte DA, Read M, Patel AI, Schwartz MB, Chapman L, Orta-Aleman D, Ritchie LD, Gosliner W (joint last authors). Parent perceptions of school meals and how perceptions differ by race and ethnicity. Health Affairs Scholar 2024;2:1-10. https://doi.org/10.1093/haschl/qxad092
Zaltz DA, Lee DL, Woodward-Lopez G, Ritchie LD, Bleich SN, Benjamin-Neelon SE. Adherence to healthy default beverage laws for children’s meals in 3 U.S. cities. Am J Prev Med 2023;S0749-3797(23)00033-8. https://doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2023.01.023.
Au LE, Arnold CD, Ritchie LD, Frongillo EA. The Infant Diet Quality Index predicts dietary and adiposity outcomes in U.S. children 2-4 years old. J Nutr 2023;153:741-8. https://10.1016/j.tjnut.2023.01.037.
Anderson CE, Au LE, Yepez CE, Ritchie LD, Tsai MM, Whaley SE. Increased WIC Cash Value Benefit is associated with greater amount and diversity of redeemed fruits and vegetables among participating households. Curr Dev Nutr 2023;7:101986. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cdnut.2023.101986
Patel I, Schmidt LA, McCulloch CE, Blacker L, Cabana MD, Brindis CD, Ritchie LD. Effectiveness of a School Drinking Water Promotion and Access Program for Overweight Prevention. Pediatrics 2023;152:e2022060021. https://org/10.1542/peds.2022-060021
Whaley SE, Anderson CE, Tsai MM, Yepez CE, Ritchie LD, Au LE. Increased WIC benefits for fruits and vegetables increases food security and satisfaction among California households with young children. J Acad Nutr Diet 2023;123:1440-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2023.05.018.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Complementary feeding interventions for infants and young children under age 2: Scoping of promising interventions to implement at the community or state level. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/27239.
Lee DL, Alkon A, Strochlic R, Srivastava D, Neelon M, Keeton VF, Ritchie LD. Online training for child care providers teaches child nutrition in English and Spanish. Calif Agr 2023;76:131-40. https://doi.org/10.3733/ca.2022a0015.
Ritchie L, Horowitz M, Feenstra G. What have we learned from the COVID-19 pandemic to strengthen the health and resilience of California communities and the food system? Calif Agr 2023;77(3-4). https://doi.org/10.3733/ca.2024a0003
Au LE, Arnold CD, Ritchie LD, Lin SK, Frongillo EA. Differences in Infant Diet Quality Index by race and ethnicity predict differences in later diet quality. J Nutr 2023;153:3498-3505. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tjnut.2023.10.010
Chaney AM, Ritchie LD, Whaley SE, Tsai MM, Randel-Schreiber HR, Yepez CE, Sabatier S, Young A, Meza M, Au LE. Racial and ethnic comparisons in satisfaction with services provided by the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children in California. Nutrients 2023;15:447. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu15020447.
Au LE, Whaley SE, Hecht CA, Tsai MM, Anderson CE, Chaney AM, Vital N, Martinez CE, Ritchie LD. A qualitative examination of California WIC participants’ and local agency directors’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Acad Nutr Diet 2022;122:2218-2227. https://doi:10.1016/j.jand.2022.07.003.
Martinez CE, Ritchie LD, Lee DL, Tsai MM, Anderson CE, Whaley SE. California WIC Participants Report Favorable Impacts of the COVID-related Increase to the WIC Cash Value Benefit. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022;19:10604. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191710604
Martinez SM, Chodur M, Esaryk E, Kaladijian S, Ritchie LD, Grandner M. Campus food pantry use is linked to better health among public university students. J Nutr Ed Behav 2022;54:491-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2022.03.001 (among top most read JNEB articles in first quarter 2022)
Lee DL, Homel Vitale E, Marshall SK-D, Hecht C, Beck LT, Ritchie LD. Child and Adult Care Food Program Participation Benefits, Barriers and Facilitators for Independent Child Care Centers. Nutrients 2022;14:4449. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14214449
Heiges J, Lee DL, Vollmer L, Wobbekind K, Thompson H, Gosliner W, Madsen K, O’Neill K, Ritchie LD. Evaluating food packaging waste in schools: a systematic literature review. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022;19:5607. https://doi.10.3390/Int J Environ Res Public Health 19095607
Esaryk EE, Moffat LF, Ritchie LD, Martinez SM. Helping college students get Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Facilitators of and barriers to students accessing the federal nutrition assistance program. J Nutr Ed Behav 2022;54:422-31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2022.02.008
Thompson HR, Machado SS, Madsen KA, Cauchon-Robles R, Neelon M, Ritchie L. Impact of a teacher intervention to encourage students to eat school lunch. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022;19:11553. https://doi.org/10.3390/Int J Environ Res Public Health 191811553
Machado S, Brewster A, Shapiro V, Ritchie L, Magee K, Madsen K. Implementation leadership in school nutrition: A qualitative study. J Nutr Ed Behav. 2022;54:55-65. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2021.08.011
Cohen JFW, Polacsek M, Hecht CE, Hecht K, Read M, Olarte D, Patel AI, Schwartz MB, Turner L, Zuercher M, Gosliner W, Ritchie LD. (joint last authors) Implementation of Universal School Meals during COVID-19 and beyond: Challenges and Benefits for School Meals Programs in Maine. Nutrients 2022;14:4031. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14194031
Tsai M, Au L, Ritchie L, Anderson C, Martinez C, Whaley S. Larger WIC Cash Value Benefit for Vegetables and Fruit Is Associated With Lower Food Insecurity and Improved Participant Satisfaction in WIC Families With Children. Curr Dev Nutr 2022;6(Supplement 1):231. https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzac048.045
- Anderson, CE; O’Malley, KE, et al. (2022). Longer family participation in WIC is associated with lower childhood sugar-sweetened beverage intake. J Nutr Ed Behav. 1-10. January 6. In press
Anderson CE, O’Malley KE, Martinez CE, Ritchie LD, Whaley SE. Longer family participation in WIC is associated with lower childhood sugar-sweetened beverage intake. J Nutr Ed Behav 2022 Jan 6;S1499-4046(21)00861-7. https://doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2021.10.003]https://doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2021.10.003.
Anderson CE, Martinez CE, O’Malley K, Ritchie LD, Whaley SE. Longer participation in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children is not associated with reduced sugar-sweetened beverage intake among Black participants. Nutrients 2022:14:1048. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14051048
Anderson CE, Martinez CE, Ritchie LD, Paolicelli C, Reat A, Borger C, Whaley SE. Longer WIC participation duration is associated with higher diet quality at age 5 years. J Nutr 2022:June 10. https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/nxac134
Zuercher MD, Cohen JFW, Hecht CE, Hecht K, Ritchie LD, Gosliner W. (joint last authors) Providing School Meals to All Students Free of Charge During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: Challenges and Benefits Reported by School Foodservice Professionals in California. Nutrients 2022;14:3855. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14183855
Thompson H, Borger C, Paolicelli C, Whaley SE, Reat A, Ritchie L. The relationship between breastfeeding and initial vegetable introduction with vegetable consumption at ages 1-5 years. Nutrients 2022;14:1740. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14091740.
Ezennia J, Blacker L, Schmidt LA, Ritchie L, McCulloch C, Patel AI. The relationship between perceptions of tap water and water intake at school. Acad Peds 2022;May 7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acap.2022.04.008
- Moreno, GD; Schmidt, LA, et al. (2021). A cluster-randomized controlled trial of an elementary school drinking water access and promotion intervention: Rationale, study design, and protocol. Contemp Clin Trials. 101, 106255. https://doi.10.1016/j.cct.2020.106255
- Lepe, GM; Schmidt, L, et al. (2021). A cluster-randomized controlled trial of an elementary school drinking water access and promotion intervention: rationale, study design, and protocol. Contemp Clin Trials. (In press)
- Au, LE; Ritchie, LD, et al. (2021). Alignment of California WIC participant preferences with proposed WIC food package recommendations. J Nutr Educ Behav. 53, 60-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2020.09.014
- Hazard, K; Lee, D, et al. (2021). Development of an online curriculum for California early care and education providers on healthy beverages. BMC Public Health. 21, 13. July. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-11428-x
- Laraia, B; Leung, C, et al. (2021). Drive for thinness in adolescents predicts greater adult BMI in the Growth and Health Study Cohort over 20 years. Obesity. 29, 2126-2133. https://doi.org/10.1002/oby.23285
- Thompson, IJB; Ritchie, LD, et al. (2021). Earlier introduction to sugar-sweetened beverages associated with lower diet quality among WIC children at age 3 years. J Nutr Ed Behav. 53, 912-920. https://doi.org.10.1016/j.jneb.2021.04.468
- Madsen, KA; Thompson, HR, et al. (2021). Effect of school-based body mass index reporting in California public schools: A randomized trial. JAMA Pediatr. 175, 251-259. https://doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.4768]https://doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.4768
- Tsai, M; Frongillo, EA, et al. (2021). Factor analysis reduces complex measures of nutrition environments in U.S. elementary and middle schools into cohesive dimensions in the Healthy Communities Study. J Nutr. 00, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/nxaa450
- Navarro, S; Tsai, M, et al. (2021). Household food insecurity and children’s physical activity: The Healthy Communities Study. Public Health Nutr. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980021002536
- Machado, S; Brewster, A, et al. (2021). Implementation leadership in school nutrition: A qualitative study. J Nutr Ed Behav. Oct. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2021.08.011
- Ritchie, LD; Lessard, L, et al. (2021). Kids’ meal beverages: Comparison of offerings before and after 2019 healthy default beverage policy in California and Wilmington, Delaware restaurants. Public Health Nutr. 12, 1-11. April. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980021001245
- Ritchie, LD; Keeton, V, et al. (2021). Nutrition standards for infants and young children can be implemented by family child care home providers. Global Pediatr Health. 8, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1177/2333794X21989555
- Moffat, LF; Ritchie, LD, et al. (2021). Perceived produce availability is associated with child fruit and vegetable intake: The Healthy Communities Study. Nutrients. 13, 3681. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13113681
- Lee, DL (2021). Policy Brief: More Veggies and Fruits for WIC Families is a Win for California and the Nation.L. Ritchie. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources and Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC. December 6. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=51098
- Martinez, SM; Esaryk, E, et al. (2021). Redefining student basic needs in higher education: It’s more than minimal food and housing according to California college students. Am J Health Promot. 35, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1177/0890117121992295
- Lee, DL; Alkon, A, et al. (2021). Self-paced online training on healthy beverage policy for child care providers. J Nutr Ed Behav. 53, P456-470. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2021.02.007
- Borger, C; Paolicelli, C, et al. (2021). Shifts in sources of food but stable nutritional outcomes among children in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 18, 12626. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182312626
- Weinfield, NS; Borger, C, et al. (2021). WIC Participation Linked to Higher Diet Quality Among Young Children. Policy Brief. Center for Poverty & Inequality Research. June. https://poverty.ucdavis.edu/sites/main/files/file-attachments/au_wic_brief.pdf?1621771084
- Au, LE; Ritchie, LD, et al. (2020). Alignment of California WIC participant preferences with proposed WIC food package recommendations. J Nutr Ed Behav. S1499-4046. Oct 31. https://doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2020.09.014
- Lee, DL; Traseira, R, et al. (2020). Alignment of state regulations with breastfeeding and beverage best practices for childcare centers and family childcare homes, United States. Public Health Rep. 136. https://doi.org/10.1177/0033354920964156
- Collie-Akers, VL; Fawcett, SB, et al. (2020). Association of multisetting community programs and policies with child body mass index: The Healthy Communities Study. Prev Chron Dis. 17, E34. https://doi:10.5888/pcd17.190196
- Black, MM; Singhal, A, et al. (2020). Building Future Health and Well-Being of Thriving Toddlers and Young Children. Geneva, 95th Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop. September.
- Gúrzo, K; Lee, DL, et al. (2020). Child care sites participating in the federal Child and Adult Care Food Program provide more nutritious foods and beverages. J Nutr Ed Behav. 52, 697-704. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2020.02.009
- Scott-Sheldon, LAJ; Hedges, LV, et al. (2020). Childhood Obesity Evidence Base Project: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of a New Taxonomy of Intervention Components to Improve Weight Status in Children 2-5 Years of Age, 2005-2019. Child Obes. 16:S2, 21-28. https://doi:10.1089/chi.2020.0139]https://doi:10.1089/chi.2020.0139
- King, H; Magnus, M, et al. (2020). Childhood Obesity Evidence Base Project: Methods for Taxonomy Development for Application in Taxonomic Meta-Analysis. Child Obes. 16:S2, 8-20. https://doi.10.1089/chi.2020.0138
Plimier CC, Hewawitharana SC, Webb KL, Au LE, Neumark-Sztainer D, Ritchie LD (2019). Community-level obesity is not associated with dieting behaviours and weight dissatisfaction in children: The Healthy Communities Study. Pediatric Obesity. 1-9.
- Patel, Anisha I; Mary, Podrabsky., et al. (2020). Development and validation of a photo-evidence tool to examine characteristics of effective drinking water access in schools. Journal of School Health. 90, 271-277. https://doi.org/10.1111/josh.12873
- Patel, AI; Hecht, CE, et al. (2020). Drinking water in the United States: Implications of water safety, access and consumption. Annual Rev Nutr. 40, 345-373. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-nutr-122319-035707
- Tan, ML; Laraia, B, et al. (2020). Effects of the Community Eligibility Provision on school breakfast and lunch participation. J Sch Health. 04. Aug. https://doi.org/10.1111/josh.12942
- A, Karpyn; L, Lessard, et al. (2020). Healthy default beverage policies for kids’ meals: A statewide baseline assessment of restaurant managers’ perceptions and knowledge in Delaware. Prev Med Rep. 20, 101272. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmedr.2020.101272
- Karpyn, A; Lessard, L, et al. (2020). Healthy default beverage policies for kids’ meals: A statewide baseline assessment of restaurant managers’ perceptions and knowledge in Delaware. Prev Med Rep. 20, 101272. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmedr.2020.101272
- Thompson, HR; Ritchie, LD, et al. (2020). Impact of a district-wide chocolate milk removal policy on urban secondary students’ milk selection and consumption. Prev Chron Dis. 17, 200033. https://doi.org/10.5888/pcd17.200033
- Weinfield, NS; Borger, C, et al. (2020). Longer participation in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is associated with better diet quality in 24-month old children. J Acad Nutr Diet. 120, 963-971. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2019.12.012
- Lee, Daniel; Gurzo, Klara, et al. (2020). Nutrition offered to infants in licensed childcare centers and homes: a descriptive study. Matern child Health J. 24, 932-942. https://doi:10.1089/chi.2018.0092
- Gosliner, W; Chen, WT, et al. (2020). Participants’ experiences of the 2018-2019 government shutdown and subsequent Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit disruption can inform future policy. Nutrients. 12, 1867-1887. https://doi:10.3390/nu12061867
- Au, LE; Ritchie, LD, et al. (2020). Post Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act adherence to select school nutrition standards by region and poverty level: The Healthy Communities Study. J Nutr Ed Behav. 52, 249-258. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2019.10.016
- Ritchie, LD (2020). School meals matter: Federal policy can improve children’s nutrition and health. Public Health Nutr. 1-3. https://doi:10.1017/S1368980020002591 [Invited commentary]
- Madsen, KA; Thompson, HR, et al. (2020). School-based body mass index reporting: A cluster-randomized trial in California public schools. JAMA Pediatr. Nov. https://doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.4768
- Lee, DL; Gurzo, K, et al. (2020). Status of beverages served to young children in child care after implementation of California policy, 2012-2016. Prev Chron Dis. 17, 190296. https://doi.org/10.5888/pcd17.190296
- Thompson, HR; Gosliner, W, et al. (2020). The impact of a multipronged intervention to increase school lunch participation among secondary school students in an urban public school district. Child Obes. 16, S14-S22. https://doi.org/10.1089/chi.2019.0233
- Kim, Y; Ritchie, L, et al. (2020). The role of neighborhood social environment in physical activity among Hispanic children: Moderation by cultural factors and mediation by neighborhood norms related to physical activity. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 17, 9527. https://doi:10.3390/ijerph17249527
- Harpainter, P; Hewawitharana, SC, et al. (2020). Voluntary kids’ meal beverage standards associated with healthier restaurant beverage practices: evaluating California’s healthy default beverage law. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 17, 5275. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17155275
Martinez S, Grandner M, Nazmi A, Canedo ER, Ritchie LD (2019). Pathways from food insecurity to health outcomes among California university students. Nutrients. 11, 1419.
Au LE, Paolicelli C, Gurzo K, Ritchie LD, Whaley SE (2019). Contribution of WIC-eligible foods to the overall diet of 13- and 24-month-old toddlers in the WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study-2. J Acad Nutr Diet. 119, 435-448.
- Au, LE; Zhu, SM, et al. (2019). Household food insecurity is associated with higher adiposity among U.S. schoolchildren ages 10-15 years: The Healthy Communities Study. J Nutr. 149, 1642-1650.
Machado S, Ibarra A, Thompson H, Ritchie L, Madsen K (2019). Multi-pronged intervention to increase secondary student participation in school lunch: Design and rationale. Contemp Clin Trials. 78, 133-139.
- Whaley, SE; Martinez, C, et al. (2019). Predictors of WIC participation through 2 years of age. J Nutr Ed Behav. 0000, 1-8. https://doi.10.1016/j.jneb.2019.12.015
Tsai M, Ritchie LD, Ohri-Vachaspati P, Au LE (2019). Student perception of healthfulness, school lunch healthfulness and participation in school lunch: The Healthy Communities Study. J Nutr Ed Behav. 51, 623-628.
Crawford PB, Gosliner W, Hecht K, Ritchie LD (2019). UC ANR research informs, influences and strengthens fruit and vegetable programs and policies. Cal Ag. 73, 19-24.
- Nazmi A, Martinez S (2018). A systematic review of food insecurity among U.S. students in higher education. Hunger Env Nutr. June 22. https://doi.org/10.1080/19320248.2018.1484316
- Ritchie LD, Woodward-Lopez G (2018). Associations of community programs and policies with children's dietary intakes: the Healthy Communities Study. Pediatr Obes. 13:Suppl 1, 14-26.
- Tan ML, Laraia B (2018). Child food insecurity is associated with energy intake among fourth and fifth grade girls. J Acad Nutr Diet. Oct 11.
- Woodward-Lopez G, Gosliner W (2018). Community characteristics modify the relationship between obesity prevention efforts and dietary outcomes in children in the Healthy Communities Study. Pediatr Obes. 13:Suppl 1, 46-55.
Hewawitharana SC, Thompson FE, Loria CM, Strauss W, Nagaraja J, Ritchie L, Webb KL (2018). Comparison of the NHANES Dietary Screener Questionnaire to the Automated Self-Administered 24-Hour Recall for Children in the Healthy Communities Study. Nutr J. Oct 11.
- Au LE, Gurzo K (2018). Diet quality of U.S. infants 7-24 months old in the WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study-2. J Nutr. 148, 1786-93.
- Au LE, Gurzo K (2018). Eating school meals daily is associated with healthier dietary intakes. J Acad Nutr Diet. 118, 1474-1481.
- Webb KL, Hewawitharana SC (2018). Features of nutrition-related community policies and programs associated with more healthful dietary intakes among children; findings from the Healthy Communities Study. Pediatr Obes. 13:Suppl 1, 103-112.
- Altman EA, Ritchie LD (2018). Food insecurity is associated with body dissatisfaction among children in California. J Acad Nutr Diet. Aug 31.
- Martinez SM, Frongillo EA (2018). No food for thought: Food insecurity is related to poor mental health and lower academic performance among students in California's public university system. J Health Psychol. June 1. https://doi.org/10.1177/1359105318783028
- Lee DL, Gúrzo K (2018). Policy and Practice in ECE: Compliance with the new 2017 Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) meal patterns prior to implementation. Child Obes. 14, 393-402.
- Au LE, Crawford PB (2018). School wellness committees and policy implementation are associated with lower body mass index z-scores and improved dietary intakes in U.S. schoolchildren: The Healthy Communities Study. J School Health. 88, 627-635.
- Leung CW, DiMatteo SG (2018). Sugar-sweetened beverage and water intake in relation to diet quality in U.S. children. Am J Prev Med. 54, 394-402.
- Strauss WJ, Nagaraja J (2018). The longitudinal relationship between community programs and policies to prevent childhood obesity and BMI in children: The Healthy Communities Study Team. Pediatr Obes. 13:Suppl 1, 82-92.
- Cates S, Blitstein J (2018). U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Office of Policy Support. WIC Nutrition Education Study: Phase II Final Report.
- Cates S, Blitstein J (2018). U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Office of Policy Support. WIC Nutrition Education Study: Phase II Final Report. September. https://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/special-supplemental-nutrition-program-women-infants-and-children-wic-nutrition-education-study
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- Rehkopf DH, Headen I (2016). Adverse childhood experiences and later life adult obesity and smoking in the United States. Ann Epidemiol. 26, 488-492.
- Au LE, Rosen NJ (2016). Eating school lunch is associated with higher diet quality among elementary school students. J Acad Nutr Diet. 116, 1817-24.
- Au LE, Whaley S (2016). If you build it they will come: Satisfaction and utilization of WIC participants with online and traditional in-person nutrition education. J Nutr Ed Behav. 48, 336-42.
- Au LE, Whaley S (2016). Online and in-person nutrition education improves breakfast knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of WIC participants. J Acad Nutr Diet. 116, 490-500.
- Ritchie L, Rosen NJ (2016). School breakfast policy is associated with dietary intake of fourth and fifth grade students. J Acad Nutr Diet. 116, 449-57.
- Prather AA, Leung C (2016). Short and sweet: Associations between self-reported sleep duration and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption among adults in the United States. Sleep Health. 2, 272-6.
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- Ritchie LD, Yoshida S (2015). Drinking water in California child care site before and after 2011-2012 beverage policy. Prev Chron Dis. 12, E89.
- Fenton K, Rosen NJ (2015). Eat lunch first or play first? Inconsistent associations with fruit and vegetable consumption in elementary school. J Acad Nutr Diet. 115, 585-92.
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- John LV, Gregoriou M (2015). Operational Implementation of the Healthy Communities Study: How Communities Shape Children's Health. Am J Prev Med. 49, 631-5.
- Madsen KA, Cotterman C (2015). Passive commuting is associated with increased dietary intake in 4th and 5thgrade students. Am J Prev Med. 48, 292-9.
- Ritchie LD, Sharma S (2015). Policy improves what beverages are served to young children in childcare. J Acad Nutr Diet. 115, 724-30.
- Ritchie LD, Wakimoto P (2015). The Healthy Communities Study nutrition assessments: Child diet and the school nutrition environment. Am J Prev Med. 49, 647-52.
- Arteaga SS, Loria CM (2015). The Healthy Communities Study: Its rationale, aims and approach. Am J Prev Med. 49, 615-23.
- Leung CW, Epel ES (2014). Food insecurity is inversely associated with diet quality of lower-income adults. J Acad Nutr Diet. 114, 1943-1953.
- Robinson CA, Cohen AK (2014). Pregnancy and post-delivery maternal weight changes and overweight in preschool children. Prev Med. 60, 77-82.
- Ritchie LD, Whaley SE (2014). Satisfaction of California WIC participants with food package changes. J Nutr Ed Behav. 46, S71-S78.
- Bartlett S, Olsho L (2013). Evaluation of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP): Executive Summary. Prepared by Abt Associates under Contract No. AG-3198-D-09-0053. Alexandria, VA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service. Project Officers: Karen Castellanos-Brown and Allison Magness.
- Bartlett S, Olsho L (2013). Evaluation of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP): Final Evaluation Report. Prepared by Abt Associates under Contract No. AG-3198-D-09-0053. Alexandria, VA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service. Project Officers: Karen Castellanos-Brown and Allison Magness.
- Kim LP, Whaley SE (2013). Mothers prefer fresh fruits and vegetables over jarred baby fruits and vegetables in the New Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children Food Package. J Nutr Ed Behav. 45, 732-7.
- Hoelscher D, Kirk S (2013). Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Interventions for the prevention and treatment of pediatric overweight and obesity. J Acad Nutr Diet. 113, 1375-94.
- Ritchie, LD (2012). Less frequent eating predicts greater BMI and waist circumference in female adolescents. Am J Clin Nutr. 95, 290-6.
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- Whaley SE, Ritchie LD (2012). Revised WIC food package improves diets of WIC families. J Nutr Ed Behav. 44, 204-9.
- O'Brien KO, Donangelo CM (2012). Serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and calcium intake impact rates of bone calcium deposition during pregnancy and the early postpartum period. Am J Clin Nutr. 96, 64-72.
- Ritchie LD, Raman A (2011). Dietary intakes of urban African American children: Both family and child dietary attributes predict child intakes. J Nutr Ed Behav. 43, 236-43.
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- Ritchie LD, Whaley SE (2010). Favorable impact of nutrition education on WIC families. J Nutr Ed Behav. 42, S2-S10.
- Gosliner WA, James P (2010). Impact of a worksite wellness program on the nutrition and physical activity environment of child care centers. Am J Health Prom. 24, 186-9.
- Raman A, Ritchie LD (2010). Insulin resistance is improved in overweight African American boys but not in girls following a one-year multidisciplinary community intervention program. J Pediatr Endocrin Metab. 23, 109-20.
- Fung EB, Ritchie LD (2010). Randomized controlled trial to examine the impact of providing yogurt to women enrolled in WIC. J Nutr Ed Behav. 42, S22-S29.
- Ritchie LD, Sharma S (2010). Taking Action Together: A YMCA-based protocol to prevent Type-2 Diabetes in high-BMI inner-city African American children. Trials. 11, 60-73.
- Woodward-Lopez G, Kao J (2010). To what extent have sweetened beverages contributed to the obesity epidemic? Public Health Nutr.
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Non-Peer Reviewed
Anderson CE, Au LE, Yepez CE, Ritchie LD, Tsai MM, Whaley SE. Enhanced WIC Benefits Boost Purchasing of Fruit and Vegetables Among Low-Income Families. UC Davis Center for Poverty & Inequality Research Policy Brief. Volume 12, Number 7. March 2024. [Full text]
Zuercher M, Orta-Aleman D, Hecht C, Hecht K, Ritchie L, Gosliner W. Research Brief: School Meals for All in California: Government investments are associated with better meal operations, labor practices, and local food sourcing. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. May 2024. [Full text]
Esparza E, Zuercher M, Ohri-Vachaspati P, Ritchie L, Gosliner W. Research Brief: Arizona Food Service Director Survey Findings - Experiences transitioning from meals free of charge for all students. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 28 August 2024. [Full text]
Borger C, Zimmerman T, DeMatteis J, Gollapudi B, Whaley S, Ritchie L, May L. WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study – 2: Sixth Year Report. Prepared by Westat under Contract No. AG-3198-K-11-0073 and AG-3198-K-15-0050. Alexandria, VA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service. Project Officer: Courtney Paolicelli. Report: WIC ITFPS-2 Sixth Year Report (azureedge.us); Research Summary: WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study-2: Sixth Year Report Summary (azureedge.us); Executive Summary: Executive Summary, WIC ITFPS-2 Sixth Year Report (azureedge.us); Appendices: Appendix A. Study Research Questions (azureedge.us); Appendix B1. Details of Sampling and Weighting Procedures and Attrition (azureedge.us); Appendix B2. Additional Analysis Details (azureedge.us); Appendix B3. Dietary Intake Coding Procedures and Estimating Usual Intake (azureedge.us). June 2024.
Lee DL, Bacon K, Felix C, Matias SL, Marshall SK, Homel Vitale E, Ritchie LD. Research Brief: CACFP Family Childcare Home Sponsor Perspectives - Serious Deficiency Challenges. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, CACFP Roundtable, University of California, Berkeley. June 2024. [Full text]
Research to Action (NPI news brief, 2024, Volume 8, Number 1): School Recess: A Chance to Address Health Inequity Across California
Research to Action (NPI news brief, 2024, Volume 8, Number 2): Celebrating a decade of high-impact research for healthy food, people and places
Research to Action (NPI news brief, 2024, Volume 8, Number 3): What is the best type of milk for toddlers? Help us answer that question!
Lee DL, Felix C, Fiedler K, Oropeza R, Rangel J, Kim L, Machell G, Ritchie LD. Policy Brief: Expanded Shopping Options Needed to Improve WIC Participants’ Shopping Experience. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Pepperdine University. National WIC Association. October 2024. [Full text]
Lee DL, Felix C, Fiedler K, Oropeza R, Rangel J, Kim L, Machell G, Ritchie LD. Policy Brief: WIC App Modifications Needed to Improve WIC Participants’ Shopping Experience. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Pepperdine University. National WIC Association. October 2024. [Full text]
Orta-Aleman D, Hecht C, Zuercher M, Hecht K, Cohen JFW, Ritchie L, Gosliner W. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. School Meals for All in California: Strongly supported by parents of all income levels. March 2024. [Full text]
Lee DL, Felix C, Ritchie LD, Kim L, Whaley SE, Machell G. 2023 Multi-state WIC Participant Satisfaction Survey. Nutrition Policy Institute, Pepperdine University, and the National WIC Association. April 2024. https://thewichub.org/2023-multi-state-wic-participant-satisfaction-survey/
Policy Brief: Evidence to support continuation of the increased WIC Cash Value Benefit for fruits and vegetables. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. August 2023. [Full text]
Policy Synopsis: The Many Benefits of School Meals for All. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Arizona State University, College of Health Solutions. University of Connecticut, Rudd Center. Merrimack College. Boise State University, College of Education. August 2023. [Full text]
Research to Action (NPI news brief, 2023, Volume 7, Number 1): The Nutrition Policy Institute’s Innovating Approach to Evaluating SNAP-Ed
Research to Action (NPI news brief, 2023, Volume 7, Number 2): Low Receipt of Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Among Eligible Families.
Research to Action (NPI news brief, 2023, Volume 7, Number 3): Join UC Experts in Working to Curb Sugary Drinks.
Underwood G, Lee DL, Chauvenet C, Ritchie LD, Kim L. Research Brief: Participant Recommendations for Improving the WIC Food Package, Evaluating Data from the 2021 Multi-State Participant Satisfaction Survey. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Pepperdine University. National WIC Association. February 2023. https://ucanr.edu/sites/NewNutritionPolicyInstitute/files/380693.pdf and https://thewichub.org/participant-recommendations-for-improving-the-wic-food-package-evaluating-data-from-the-2021-multi-state-participant-satisfaction-survey/
Hecht C, Bacon K, Chapman L, Chelius C, Olarte D, Orta-Aleman D, Zuercher M, Hecht K, Ritchie L, Cohen JFW and Gosliner W. Research Brief: School Meals for All in California: Time to Eat Can Be a Barrier to Full Participation. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. April 2023. [Full text]
Research to Action (NPI news brief, 2023, Volume 7, Number 4): Improving Access to Fresh, Local Produce for Incarcerated Californians.
Hecht C, Hecht K, Zuercher M, Ritchie L, Gosliner W. Research Brief: School Meals for All in California: Parents Value School Meals for All and Offer Suggestions to Strengthen Meal Programs. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. May 2023. [Full text]
Orta-Aleman D, Chelius C, Bacon K, Hecht C, Hecht K, Zuercher M, Ritchie L, Gosliner W. Research Brief: School Meals for All - Farm Fresh Food. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. June 2023. [Full text]
Cohen J, Gosliner W, Hecht C, Hecht K, Schwartz M, Zuercher M, Ritchie L. Research Brief: Impact of Massachusetts’ Healthy School Meals for All. July 2023. https://www.childnourishlab.org/healthy-school-meals-for-all
Lee DL, Bacon K, Felix C, Matias SL, Marshall SK, Homel Vitale E, Ritchie LD. Research Brief: California Family Childcare Home Providers’ Perspectives on CACFP Reimbursements. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, CACFP Roundtable, University of California, Berkeley. October 2023. [Full text]
Underwood G, Lee DL, Chauvenet C, Ritchie LD, Kim L. Research Brief: Participants New to WIC May Benefit From More Guidance on Shopping for WIC Foods. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Pepperdine University, and the National WIC Association. November 2023. [Full text]
Gosliner W, Ritchie LD. Bold Action Needed for Equitable Access to Nutrition Assistance by All. Am J Public Health 2023;113;202344204. https://10.2105/AJPH.2023.307483.
Lee DL, Hecht C, Ritchie LD, Marshall S K-D, Homel Vitale E. Benefits and Challenges of CACFP Participation for Independent Child Care Centers and Sponsors: Research Report for the California Department of Social Services. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. CACFP Roundtable. 27 October 2022. Accessible online at: https://ucanr.edu/sites/NewNutritionPolicyInstitute/files/376177.pdf
Ritchie L, Lee D, Felix C, Sallack L, Chauvenet C, Machel G, Whaley SE. Multi-state WIC Participant Satisfaction Survey: Cash Value Benefit Increase During COVID. Funded by the National WIC Association, Nutrition Policy Institute, and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. March 2022. [Full text]
Policy Brief: Increasing the WIC vegetable and fruit benefits results in large increases to both the amount and variety purchased. Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC, a program of Heluna Health, and UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Nutrition Policy Institute, December 2022.
Hecht C, Hecht K, Sallack L, Chauvenet C, Whaley SE, Lee DL, Ritchie LD. Policy Brief: Stronger WIC, Healthier Kids and Moms. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. The National WIC Association. Pepperdine University. Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC. March 2022. https://ucanr.edu/sites/NewNutritionPolicyInstitute/files/364473.pdf
Hecht C, Hecht K, Sallack L, Chauvenet C, Whaley SE, Lee DL, Ritchie LD. Policy Brief: Stronger WIC, Healthier Kids and Moms. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. The National WIC Association. Pepperdine University. Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC. March 2022. https://ucanr.edu/sites/NewNutritionPolicyInstitute/files/364473.pdf
Hecht C, Hecht K, Sallack L, Chauvenet C, Whaley SE, Lee DL, Ritchie LD. Policy Brief: Stronger WIC, Healthier Kids and Moms. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. The National WIC Association. Pepperdine University. Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC. March 2022. https://ucanr.edu/sites/NewNutritionPolicyInstitute/files/364473.pdf
Hecht C, Lee DL, Homel Vitale E, Marshall SK-D, Ritchie LD. Research Brief: Child and Adult Care Food Program Participation by Independent Childcare Centers and Their Sponsors: Benefits and Challenges. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. CACFP Roundtable. October 2022. [Full text]
Hecht C, Zuercher M, Hecht K, Gosliner W, Ritchie L. Research Brief: School Meals for All in California: Benefits and Challenges During COVID and Beyond as Reported by School Food Services. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Nutrition Policy Institute. August 2022. [Full text]
Research to Action (NPI news brief, 2022, Volume 6, Number 1): Policy Recommendations to Strengthen WIC
Research to Action (NPI news brief, 2022, Volume 6, Number 2): Healthy-by-Default beverage laws for kids' meals
Research to Action (NPI news brief, 2022, Volume 6, Number 2): Support universal school meals
Borger C, Zimmerman T, DeMatteis J, Gollapudi B, Whaley S, Ritchie L, Au L, May L. WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study – 2: Fifth Year Report. Prepared by Westat under Contract No. AG-3198-K-11-0073 and AG-3198-K-15-0050. Alexandria, VA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service. Project Officer: Courtney Paolicelli. Report: WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Fifth Year Report (azureedge.us); Summary: INFORMATIONAL MEMORANDUM FOR THE UNDER SECRETARY (azureedge.us); Executive Summary: Executive Summary, WIC ITFPS-2 Fifth Year Report (azureedge.us); Appendices: WIC-ITFPS2-Year5Report-Appendices.pdf (azureedge.us). June 2022.
Yepez CE, Ritchie LD, Anderson CE, Tsai MM, Au LE, Meza M, Whaley SE. WIC participants support the extension and permanency of the Cash Value Benefit (CVB) for fruits and vegetables. (Data Brief). Los Angeles, CA. Public Health Foundation Enterprise (PHFE) WIC program, a Program of Heluna Health, and University of California Nutrition Policy Institute (NPI). September 2022. https://lawicdata.org/publication/briefs/
- Ritchie, L; Hecht, C, et al. (2021). Informing the Future of WIC: Lessons Learned during COVID-19 from California Agency Directors. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC. June 9. https://ucanr.edu/sites/NewNutritionPolicyInstitute/files/352389.pdf
- Ritchie, L; Hecht, C, et al. (2021). Informing the Future of WIC: Lessons Learned during COVID-19 from California WIC Participants. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC. 9. 1-16. June 9. https://ucanr.edu/sites/NewNutritionPolicyInstitute/files/352389.pdf
- Ritchie, L; Lee, D, et al. (2021). Multi-state WIC Participants Satisfaction Survey: Learning from Program Adaptations During COVID. Funded by the National WIC Association, Nutrition Policy Institute, Pepperdine University, and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. December. https://npi.ucanr.edu/News/?blogpost=51099&blogasset=113706
- Ritchie, L; Hecht, C, et al. (2021). Policy Brief: Lessons Learned: Examining WIC During COVID-19 for Policy and Program Recommendations Going Forward. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC. June 9. https://ucanr.edu/sites/NewNutritionPolicyInstitute/files/352391.pdf
- Ritchie, L; Vital, N, et al. (2021). WIC Especially Critical during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Voices of Participants in Los Angeles County. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources and Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC. January. https://ucanr.edu/sites/NewNutritionPolicyInstitute/files/342602.pdf
- Colvin, M; Lee, DL, et al. (2020). Addressing Food Insecurity for Families and Individuals in California Experiencing Housing Insecurity. University of California, Global Food Initiative. Nutrition Policy Institute. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. February. https://www.ucop.edu/global-food-initiative/_files/gfi-npi-report-final-2020-02-13.pdf
- Ritchie, LD (2020). Advancing Measurement of Environmental and Policy Influences on Childhood Obesity.N. Group. Washington (DC): National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research. December. https://www.nccor.org/measurement-workshop-series/. (contributed to section of report)
- Karpyn, A; Ritchie, L, et al. (2020). Evaluating the Policy Impact of Healthy Default Beverages in Children’s Meals: Cross-state Comparison between California and Delaware. Policy brief for Voices for Healthy Kids and the Robert Wood Johnson Healthy Eating Research Program. August. https://healthyeatingresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/HER-Default-Drinks-Brief-081820.pdf
- Ritchie, LD (2020). Fact Sheet: How to Stay Food Secure and Eat Well Despite COVID-19. Berkeley Food Institute. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. March 31. http://npi.ucanr.edu/Publications/
- Ritchie, LD (2020). Implementing healthy vending guidelines for college campuses. Research to Action. NPI news brief. 4:3.
- Ritchie, LD (2020). Nutrition and physical activity resources during emergency times. Research to Action. NPI news brief. 4:2.
- Ritchie, LD (2020). Promising approaches for healthy food retail interventions. Research to action. NPI news brief. 4:1.
- Martinez, S; Esaryk, E, et al. (2020). Redefining Student Basic Needs for Higher Education: An Exploratory Study on Housing and Food Insecurity Among University of California Students. University of California Global Food Initiative. July. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScchyq0xvC_wpLu6nEvBdIWh1VV0cOEvl3--DZnbyhjcWm24w/viewform
- Ritchie, LD (2020). Research Brief: Healthy Beverages in Child Care: Adherence to California’s Healthy Beverages in Child Care Act. Nutrition Policy Institute, California Food Policy Advocates, UCSF School of Nursing and California Childcare Health Program, UC Cooperative Extension and UC Merced. June. https://ucanr.edu/sites/NewNutritionPolicyInstitute/files/328664.pdf
- Ritchie, LD; Lee, DL, et al. (2020). Transition from breastfeeding and complementary feeding to toddler nutrition in child care settings. Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser. 95, 1-13. https://doi:10.1159/000511517
- Ritchie, LD (2020). University students struggle with basic needs. Research to Action. NPI news brief. 4:4.
- Borger, C; Zimmerman, T, et al. (2020). WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study – 2: Fourth Year Report. Prepared by Westat under Contract No. AG-3198-K-11-0073. Alexandria, VA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service. Project Officer: Courtney Paolicelli. September. Available online at: https://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/infant-and-toddler-feeding-practices-study-2-fourth-year-report
- Borger, C; Zimmerman, T, et al. (2020). WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study – 2: Fourth Year Report. Prepared by Westat under Contract No. AG-3198-K-11-0073. Alexandria, VA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service. Project Officer: Courtney Paolicelli. September. Available online at: https://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/infant-and-toddler-feeding-practices-study-2-fourth-year-report
Strochlic R, Hecht K, Feenstra G, Ritchie L (2019). Evaluation Findings: Riverside Unified School District Food Distribution Hub. Report to the California Department of Food and Agriculture on a project funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service through Grant 16-SCBGP-CA-0035. July. https://ucanr.edu/sites/NewNutritionPolicyInstitute/files/311995.pdf.
Lee D, Ritchie LD (2019). Research Brief: Child Nutrition Practices in California Licensed Child Care Prior to New 2017 CACFP Nutrition Standards. March. http://npi.ucanr.edu/files/300201.pdf.
Lee D, Ritchie LD, et al. (2019). Research Brief: Infant Nutrition Practices in California Licensed Child Care Prior to New 2017 CACFP Nutrition Standards. March. http://npi.ucanr.edu/files/300199.pdf.
Weinfield N, Borger C, Zimmerman T, DeMatteis J, MacAllum C, Whaley S, Ritchie L, Au L, Sallack L, May L (2019). WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study – 2: Third Year Report. Prepared by Westat under Contract No. AG-3198-K-11-0031. Alexandria, VA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service. Project Officer: Danielle Berman. August. https://fns-prod.azureedge.net/sites/default/files/resource-files/WIC-ITFPS2-Year3Report.pdf.
- Gupta C, Bianchi M (2018). Documenting and Supporting Policy Efforts and Impacts: Enhancing Use of the Performance Review Process in UC ANR. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California. February.
- Nutrition Policy Institute, PHFE-WIC (2018). Policy Brief: Both Online and In-Person Nutrition Education can Improve Health Outcomes for WIC Participants. August. http://npi.ucanr.edu/files/289743.pdf
- California Food Policy Advocates, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Nutrition Policy Institute (2018). Policy Brief: Is California Ready for the New Child and Adult Care Food Program Meal Pattern? January. https://cfpa.net/ChildNutrition/ChildCare/CFPAPublications/CFPA-IsCAReadyfortheNewCACFPMealPattern-FINAL-2018.pdf
- Contributors: UCOP Institutional Research and Academic Planning (Pamela Brown, Tongshan Chang (2017). Global Food Initiative: Food and Housing Security at the University of California. December. http://npi.ucanr.edu/files/277589.pdf
- Pérez-Escamilla R, Segura-Pérez S (2017). On behalf of the Best Practices for Promoting Healthy Nutrition, Feeding Patterns and Weight Status for Infants and Toddlers from Birth to 24 months Expert Panel. Feeding Guidelines for Infants and Young Toddlers: A Responsive Parenting Approach. Full report: bit.ly/HERfeeding Executive summary: bit.ly/HERfeedingbrief (Ritchie L an expert panel that helped to draft the guidelines). February.
- UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Nutrition Policy Institute, California Food Policy Advocates (2017). Policy Brief: California Child Care Nutrition and Compliance with 2017 CACFP Standards: Results from a 2016 Statewide Survey of Licensed California Child Care Sites. December. http://npi.ucanr.edu/files/277521.pdf
- UC Agriculture, Natural Resources Nutrition Policy Institute (2017). Policy Brief: Nutrition Standards for Family Child Care Homes: Evaluation Results from a 2017 Pilot Study of Nutrition Standards Training of 30 Family Child Care Home Providers in Three California Counties. December. http://npi.ucanr.edu/files/27744
- UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Nutrition Policy Institute, California Food Policy Advocates (2017). Policy Brief: Nutrition Standards for Family Child Care Homes: Evaluation Results from a 2017 Pilot Study of Nutrition Standards Training of 30 Family Child Care Home Providers in Three California Counties. December. http://npi.ucanr.edu/files/277443.pdf
- L, Ritchie (2017). Research to Action (NPI news brief): Protect WIC from Budget Cuts and Block Granting. June.
- L, Ritchie (2017). Research to Action (NPI news brief): Importance of safe and accessible drinking water in schools. April.
- Ritchie, L (2017). Research to Action (NPI news brief): Medical and dental providers join forces to limit children’s consumption of sugar sweetened beverages. September.
- Ritchie, L (2017). Research to Action (NPI news brief): Support rural food banks. December.
- Au LE, Hecht K (2016). Developing ideal yet actionable family child care nutrition standards. April. http://www.npi.ucanr.edu
- Au LE, Hecht K (2016). Developing ideal yet actionable family child care nutrition standards. April. http://www.npi.ucanr.edu
- California Food Policy Advocates, Nutrition Policy Institute (2016). Family Child Care Nutrition Standards Project: Phase I Development Phase. Discussion paper. August. http://cfpa.net/ChildNutrition/ChildCare/CFPAPublications/CFPA-FCCNutritionStandards-DiscussionPaper-2016-FINAL.pdf
- California Food Policy Advocates, Nutrition Policy Institute (2016). High Impact Nutrition Standards Feasible for Use in Family Child Care. Policy Brief. August. http://cfpa.net/ChildNutrition/ChildCare/CFPAPublications/CFPA-FCCNutritionStandards-PolicyBrief-2016-FINAL.pdf
- Ritchie L, Martinez S (2016). Student Food Insecurity – A 2015 Study from the University of California. Policy Brief. July. http://npi.ucanr.edu/files/248812.pdf
- Martinez SM, Maynard K (2016). University of California Global Food Initiative: Student Food Insecurity Study. July. http://www.ucop.edu/global-food-initiative/best-practices/food-access-security/student-food-access-and-security-study.pdf
- Liebman, et al (2015). (letter to the editor signed by 172 signatories calling for retraction of BMJ article). Re: The scientific report guiding the US dietary guidelines: is it scientific? BMJ. 351, h4962. http://www.bmj.com/content/351/bmj.h4962/rr-44
- Crawford P, Eschaveste M (2015). Can SNAP do more to support healthy eating? A real-world test is needed. Nutrition Policy Institute Health Policy Brief. May.
- Ritchie LD, Rosen NJ (2014). Breakfast in the Classroom Improves Dietary Intake of Students. Policy Brief. September 2014.
- Ritchie L, Strochlic R (2014). CA4Health Evaluation Report: Community Transformation Grant Initiative in 12 Small and Rural Counties in California. December.
- Ritchie LD, Rosen NJ (2014). School Breakfast Policy: Is Breakfast in the Classroom Associated with Dietary Intake of Students? A report for Share Our Strength. September.
- Ritchie LD, Crawford P (2013). Children’s Power Play! Campaign Impact Evaluation. A report for the California Department of Public Health. May.
- IOM, (Institute of Medicine) (2013). Evaluating Obesity Prevention Efforts: A Plan for Measuring Progress. The National Academies Press.
- Ritchie L, Sharma S (2013). Evaluating the Impact of New Beverage Nutrition Standards in Licensed Childcare in California. RWJF Research & Publications. March 1. http://www.rwjf.org/en/research-publications/find-rwjf-research/2013/03/evaluating-the-impact-of-new-beverage-nutrition-standards-in-lic.html
- Ritchie L, Sharma S (2013). Implications of California’s Healthy Beverages in Child Care Law. Policy Brief. March.
- Patel AI, Ritchie L (2013). Striving for meaningful policies to reduce sugar-sweetened beverage intake among young children. Commentary in Pediatrics. Aug 5.
- Ritchie, L (2012). IOM (Institute of Medicine). Research Methods to Assess Dietary Intake and Program Participation in Child Day Care: Application to the Child and Adult Care Food Program: Workshop Summary. Barriers and Facilitators to Providing Meals and Snacks that align with the Current Dietary Guidance). The National Academies Press; Chapter 3.
- Ontai L, Ritchie L (2011). Guiding family-based obesity prevention efforts in low-income children in the United States: Part 1− What determinants do we target? Book Chapter. [Based in earlier published paper.] In: Child and Adolescent Health Yearbook 2009. Editor Joav Merrick. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Chapter 3, 25-40.
- Townsend MS, Young T (2011). Guiding family-based obesity prevention efforts in low-income children in the United States: Part 2 −What behaviors do we measure? Book Chapter. [Based in earlier published paper.] In: Child and Adolescent Health Yearbook 2009. Editor Joav Merrick. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Chapter 4, 41-60.
- Ritchie, L (2010). IOM (Institute of Medicine). Planning a WIC Research Agenda: Workshop Summary. The National Academies Press. Chapter 7: Nutrition Education in WIC.
- Ritchie LD, King JC (2008). Nutrient Recommendations and Dietary Guidelines for Pregnant Women (Chapter 1). In Handbook of Nutrition and Pregnancy, CJ Lammi-Keefe, SC Couch, and E Philipson, eds. Humana Press, Inc.
- Crawford PB, Woodward-Lopez G (2008). The role of public policy in addressing the pediatric obesity epidemic. In Handbook of Child and Adolescent Obesity. Jelalian E and Steele RG, eds. Springer Publishing Co. 371-386.
- Woodward-Lopez G, Gerstein D (2006). Carbohydrates and Obesity. In Functional Foods Carbohydrates.e. C Biliaderas and M Izydorczyk. CRC Press.
- Woodward-Lopez G, Ritchie LD (2006). Obesity: Dietary and Developmental Influences. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
- Fung EB, Ritchie LD (1997). Zinc metabolism in insulin dependent diabetic women. Ninth International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man and Animals. NRC Press. 107-9.
- Fung E, Woodhouse L (1993). Zinc absorption during pregnancy and lactation: a longitudinal study. In Trace Elements in Man and Animals, 8th ed. M Anke, D Meissner, CF Mills, eds. 406-407.