NPI welcomes Ryan Williams as new project policy analyst

Sep 29, 2023

Ryan Williams joins the Nutrition Policy Institute at the University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources on October 2, 2023 as a new project policy analyst. Ryan completed his dietetic internship program at UC San Francisco Health where he developed in-depth knowledge of medical nutrition therapy, assessment, nutrition interventions, and evaluation of nutrition care. Ryan is also experienced in food service, food production, and food service management. His primary interest is in improving the health and well-being of Americans and is interested in projects that broadly can inform nutrition policies in the US. As a dietetic intern, he worked with NPI on a project to assess the barriers to and recommendations for increasing breastfeeding in five counties in California, among those with the lowest breastfeeding rates. Ryan will be working on two National Institutes of Health projects: the Childcare Water project and the Milk-Tot study.

By Suzanne M Rauzon
Author - Director of Community Health, Emeritus
By Danielle Lee
Editor - Director of Communications & Research Engagement