A new research brief from the Nutrition Policy Institute, CACFP Roundtable, and University of California, Berkeley highlights the difficulties faced by sponsors of the federal Child and Adult Care Food Program, commonly known as CACFP. CACFP provides nutritious meals to nearly 625,000 children attending participating family childcare homes nationally who are predominantly from families with lower income. Sponsoring organizations serve an integral role in supporting CACFP participation by family childcare homes, yet declining sponsor participation threatens equitable access to this program. Results from interviews with 15 sponsors in California in 2023-2024 identified key challenges. Sponsors reported CACFP administrative reimbursements are inadequate. Limited sponsor reimbursements also hinder hiring and retaining staff, making program oversight challenging. In addition, sponsors reported that monitoring visits, which resumed in-person post-pandemic, are costly, time-intensive, and raise staff safety concerns. This study underscores the need for increased sponsor funding and virtual monitoring options, to strengthen CACFP. Read the full brief for more insights.
Editor - Director of the Nutrition Policy Institute and Cooperative Extension Nutrition Specialist