Arizona survey of food service directors finds the transition away from free school meals posed challenges for students, parents, and administration

Sep 26, 2024

A 2023 Arizona survey of food service directors and school nutrition staff identified the effects of the move away from free school meals for all students in the 2022-2023 academic year. While Arizona students no longer were provided free school meals for all, a statewide policy that eliminated co-pays for reduced-price lunch took effect in January 2023, expanding the population of students able to receive meals without charge. The survey respondents represented almost one-third of Arizona school districts with most districts having at least 40% of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch. That academic year, 71% of schools reported experiencing a decline in school meal participation. Respondents perceived that inadequate meal variety, taste or portion sizes, as well as stigma around free and reduced-price lunch contributed to the student participation decline. Respondents also reported perceiving that  students prefer meals from home or skipping meals potentially due to high cost. Food service professionals felt that parents were confused about changing meal costs and the burden of an additional application process to qualify for free or reduced-price lunch. More than half of respondents reported an increase in paperwork for administration and staffing challenges. Factors that helped schools during this time included federal Supply Chain Assistance funds, state and federal funding for school meals, and a supportive district administration.